Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Programme Committees of Conferences and Workshops

  • Nelly Bencomo is PC chair of SEAMS'13;

  • Nelly Bencomo is PC member of the following international conferences: MODELS'13, CIbSE'13, Poster track at RE'13, SANES session at PECCS'13, SBES'13;

  • Nelly Bencomo is PC member of the VAMOS'13 international workshop;

  • Nikolaos Georgantas is PC member of the following international conferences: CloudCom'13, AmI'13, DATA'13, ICSOFT-EA'13, ICSOFT-PT'13, SCC'13, ANT'13, SOSE'13;

  • Nikolaos Georgantas is PC member of the following international workshops: MW4NG'13, ARM'13;

  • Valérie Issarny is PC member of the following international conferences: CBSE'13&14, Coordination'14, ECSA'13, ESSOS'14, FASE'13&15, FSE'14, ICDCS'13, ICSE'13, ICSE-SEIP'14, IFIPTM'13, ISARCS'13, Middleware'13&14, MobiCASE'13, SEAMS'13&14;

  • Valérie Issarny is PC member of the following international workshops: SESO@ICSE'13, SERENE'13;

  • Animesh Pathak is PC member of the following international conferences: S-Cube'13, EWSN'14, and Sensornets'14; and

  • Animesh Pathak is PC member of the GeoHCI'13 international workshop.

Leadership Services in Academic Events and Edited Journals

  • Nikolaos Georgantas is associate editor of the International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI);

  • Nikolaos Georgantas is associate editor of the International Journal of Advances in Human-Computer Interaction;

  • Valérie Issarny is member of the Steering Committee of the ESEC/FSE conference;

  • Valérie Issarny is associate editor of the Springer JISA Journal of Internet Services and Applications;

  • Valérie Issarny is the general chair of the ESSoS 2013, the International Symposium on Engineering Secure Software and Systems; and

  • Animesh Pathak is the Production Chair of HiPC 2013, and Publicity Chair of DCOSS 2014.

Other Academic Services

  • Nikolaos Georgantas is member of the PhD monitoring committee at Inria Paris-Rocquencourt;

  • Valérie Issarny is scientific leader of the EC FP7 ICT IP CHOReOS;

  • Valérie Issarny is member of the IFSTTAR Scientific Council & “Commission d'évaluation des chercheurs”;

  • Valérie Issary is member of the GDR GPL scientific council;

  • Valérie Issarny is member of the evaluation committee of ANR Blanc JCJC'13, and of the Swedish Research Council subcommittee for Computer Science'2013.